Why Is An Intensive Outpatient Program Necessary?

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is part of the continuum of care necessary for successful recovery from substance abuse and addictions. After completing rehab at one of DARA’s exceptional residential treatment centers, we assist the client in contacting an appropriate intensive outpatient program for substance abuse in their home location.

Transitioning from a higher level of care, such as residential rehab, into lower levels of care allows an individual to gradually resume a fully autonomous life of recovery. Residential rehab provides a high degree of structure and monitoring, with 24-hour staff support available during period of crisis or doubt. Returning to an unsupported environment after residential care, without intensive outpatient as a bridge during the first weeks after rehab, is extremely stressful, and often leads to relapse.

Intensive Outpatient Program for Substance Abuse

An intensive outpatient program allows clients to return home, and still receive continued treatment most days of the week. Many clients are also able to resume their work and school schedules at the same time. Depending on the particular intensive outpatient program for substance abuse selected, a combination of individual and group therapy approaches are utilized. The emphasis is on processing the day-to-day experiences in the new life of recovery, continued skills development, and ongoing therapy for underlying issues such as anxiety and depression.

Research in multiple national and international studies has supported the necessity of IOP services after residential care. Among the many benefits include:

  • Continued support in managing relapse triggers and situations
  • Developing positive peer support
  • Continued assistance with medications and mental health issues
  • Goal setting and structuring positive personal time
  • Improved work and personal relationships
  • Identifying and maximizing recovery resources
  • Improved family dynamics
  • Psychoeducation on a wide variety of topics 

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DARA’s Intensive Outpatient Program Options

DARA offers three types of inpatient outpatient programs:

  • IOP in an on-site program in the clients preferred location
  • Services continued with DARA via Skype
  • Online services with a personal counselor via our partner Lion Rock Rehab

Some clients prefer to maintain the therapeutic relationship developed with their primary counselor during drug and alcohol residential treatment at DARA. For an additional fee, arrangements may be made to continue this relationship during the addiction aftercare period. For clients in more remote areas, and where an appropriate local therapist isn’t available, clients may opt to work with Lion Rock Rehab, an affordable online alternative to an intensive outpatient program.

DARA has a network of intensive outpatient program partners worldwide. We do not recommend any intensive outpatient program for substance abuse that does not meet our own stringent standards of care and best practices. We want our clients to receive the best care possible for their long-term recovery.

Learn more about DARA’s world-class drug and alcohol treatment. Contact one of our therapists today.
+66 8 7140 7788