Martin Peters

Martin Peters


Group Program Director

A Registered Nurse and Certified Substance Abuse Therapist working in the mental health field since 1994, Martin has had a wide range of experience in management and supervisory roles within established healthcare systems. He has provided consultancy services to a number of private and public sector organizations in the UK and Asia in terms of management, policy writing, accreditation, and recruitment.

Martin’s experience in addictions treatment has been primarily in developing inpatient services over the past 6 years, both clinical and operational, and has been instrumental in expanding and developing a non 12-step inpatient treatment center and opening a further inpatient center with a 12-step approach in Thailand. He was also responsible for implementing KIPU, an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system into Asia, as well as strengthening hospital partnerships, introducing a  Scholarship for students under the Masters in Addiction Studies Program at The ASEAN Institute for Health Development and working with an international accreditation body.

Martin has also been a speaker at several international conferences on addiction in the USA and ASEAN conferences, Ministry of Public Health (Thailand) and has also guest lectured at Mahidol University (Thailand), University of Sarghoda (Pakistan) Institute of Medical Sciences (Pakistan) and has been a representative on the CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) Standards Advisory Committee for 2016.

Martin has worked with a number of the leading professionals in the field of Mental Health and Addictions and is a well-respected clinician and manager who firmly believes in client centered service development, led by clinicians.

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