Drug and Alcohol Rehab India

You may be wondering why you should choose DARA Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Thailand when there are a number of de-addiction centres in India. Many alcohol and drug rehab facilities in India however, have a very austere setting and are comparable to boot camps or prison compounds. With the recent documentary on the Drug and Alcohol Use in Punjab, it highlights this situation. The drinking culture in India is changing at an alarming rate, where previously it was rare for anyone to drink in India, it is now becoming commonplace.

Consider these recent newspaper quotes:

“What is of particular concern—and an important indicator of health risks—is that the signature pattern of alcohol consumption in India is frequent and heavy drinking. More than half of all drinkers fall into the criteria for hazardous drinking, which is characterised by bingeing and solitary consumption to the point of intoxication. Moreover, spirits account for 95% of the beverages drunk in India.” –Raekha Prasad, “Alcohol use on the rise in India,” The Lancet

Binge drinking behavior is treated as alcohol abuse or alcoholism in most western countries. India is struggling with how to handle this recent increase in the consumption of alcohol. Some drug rehab and alcohol rehab programs have been set up to attempt to deal with it.

“Under its National Drug De-addiction Programme, the Government of India has funded 483 detoxification and 90 counselling centres. Almost half of attendees are being treated for alcohol dependency.” –Raekha Prasad, “Alcohol use on the rise in India,” The Lancet

Residential or Outpatient De-addiction Drug and Alcohol Rehab

There are two main settings for drug & alcohol de-addiction treatment: Outpatient and in-patient (residential rehab). Please read our page, Make a Decision for Rehab, to learn more about these two types of drug & alcohol treatment settings.

If you or a loved one falls into the category of alcohol dependent or alcohol abuser, consider a gentler more proven approach to de-addiction from alcohol or drugs. Residential Treatment at DARA has a 90% completion rate, nearly twice as high as most centers across the world. Our clinical team works with you closely, customizing your treatment alcohol and drug rehab so that it is based on your needs.

Treatment approaches at DARA include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Rational Emotive Therapy
  • Transactional Analysis (TA)
  • Relapse Prevention Therapy (including a Relapse Prevention Track for certain clients)
  • Schema Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing

Clients also received concurrent treatment for co-occurring mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We have certified dual diagnosis clinicians on staff who are experienced in treating many types of mental and behavioral health issues that are present along with a drug, alcohol or processing addiction.  Clients with active suicidality, paranoia or delusional behaviors, however, are not appropriate for the level of care provided at DARA.

DARA Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Coming to Thailand for drug rehab or alcohol rehab may seem like an extreme way to deal with your problem, for getting to a drug and alcohol de-addiction centre. However, it’s not. It’s a journey well worth taking as part of your overall journey of rehabilitation. We’ll provide you with a foundation to walk your path of sobriety, but it’s up to you to begin down that path, and then to continuing walking it. But, you’re not alone; we’re here to help. By living clean and sober, you can change your world and break the bonds of addiction.

If you choose to come to DARA, getting to Bangkok isn’t difficult. A number of air carriers, including Air India, provide direct international flights to Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport. DARA has two superb treatment centers in the eastern part of Thailand.

Explore our website for more information about DARA Drug & Alcohol Rehab, including information about DARA as your international destination for drug and alcohol rehabilitation and recovery; then, give us a call at +66 87 140 7788, or use this convenient contact form.

Learn more about DARA’s world-class drug and alcohol treatment. Contact one of our therapists today.
+66 8 7140 7788