Alcohol & Drug Intervention Programs

Trying to convince a loved one to enter treatment for alcohol and drug use can be a difficult process, and a formal drug intervention is often the best course of action. DARA is here to help. Recognizing the need for effective and efficient drug intervention programs, DARA offers professional drug intervention services. Family and significant others can make a toll-free call from anywhere in the world, twenty-four hours a day, to speak with DARA’s professional intervention team.

The primary goal of a drug intervention is to get an individual to agree to treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction. DARA’s certified therapists have extensive experience in conducting interviews that foster an agreement to be begin a life-changing step towards recovery from an addiction.

Why Professional Alcohol and Drug Intervention Programs Make a Difference

Often, when family members attempt to confront a loved one about their drug and alcohol use, resentment can be the result. This may hinder a person’s willingness to consider treatment, and create an even larger void among family members.

While no intervention is guaranteed to be successful, research shows that an intervention is the most effective approach for getting someone who denies that they have a drug or alcohol problem, or who has previously refused to get help, into treatment. A meaningful drug intervention involves planning, preparation, and is tailored to the specific person who needs treatment for their addiction issues. It should never “just happen”. Professional drug intervention programs, like DARA’s, provide personal and compassionate support and guidance through each important step.

DARA expert drug intervention counselors:

  • Arrange for an intervention to take place
  • Work with the family and friends to determine the best time and location for the intervention
  • Carefully prepare those who will take part in the intervention, in order to maximize the impact, and create the best chance for success

Alcohol and Drug Intervention Types

An intervention is often considered the important first step to entering treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Participants in the intervention are from many aspects of the addict’s life, and may include:

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Co-workers
  • Employers
  • Classmates
  • Family spiritual leaders

No two interventions will involve the exact same makeup of participants. Taking part can be difficult, and is not always appropriate to include everyone who would like to participate. Interventions are not a time to blame or shame the addict. A drug intervention is a formal, caring process that involves the honest expression of concern for the person who is at the center of the intervention. It is a pre-planned attempt to get the individual into seek formal treatment from a substance abuse counselor, therapist or professional rehab treatment center.

There are two primary types of drug interventions. In the first, the addict willingly sits down with loved ones in order to talk about the substance abuse. Often when individuals are willing to talk about their addiction issues, it is an indicator that they may be more ready for treatment.

In the second type of drug intervention, the person is not aware that an intervention has been arranged. In effect, it comes a complete surprise. This type of intervention is often necessary in more difficult cases of addiction. In this scenario, the addict is forced to confront their behavior and how it affects those around them. While this is a much more aggressive tactic, it may be necessary for any progress to be made when it comes to placing an individual on the road to recovery.

It is important to take several areas into consideration when selecting a drug intervention approach. These considerations include the personality of the addict, the setting of the substance abuse, and who will be involved in the intervention. DARA’s qualified intervention specialists work closely with the participants to devise an appropriate strategy. Some of the more popular formal intervention approaches include:

  • Crisis
  • Workplace
  • Family
  • Youth
  • Johnson’s

Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to remember that an intervention is never guaranteed to succeed, it only sets the stage to maximize the chances for success by including a qualified professional interventionist and utilizing the right tactics. Ultimately, accepting treatment is up to the addict.

Understanding Each Type of Intervention

Professional drug intervention programs utilize specially trained interventionists who are skilled at communicating with addicts and alcoholics. In addition, they are experienced and knowledgeable in working with those who have co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder.

Crisis Interventions

Often, drug or alcohol use can become so risky that it creates serious problems for both the user and those around them. In these circumstances, crisis intervention is necessary to force the individual to realize the extent of their actions, and the damage that they are doing to those who know them.  This type of intervention must be performed as soon as possible before the addict harms themselves or any third parties, such as friends or family members. Harmful issues can be medical, legal or personal, and most of the time the addict is not even aware of them. For this reason, the surprise drug intervention can be a better method of bringing these problems to the surface, and convincing an individual that they need help abstaining from further substance abuse.

Crisis interventions have several purposes. First, they aim to help a person realize that behavior such as drug and alcohol dependency stems from internal conflicts rather than external sources. Most substance abusers will lay the blame on other factors, such as relationships, work and stress. In this way, a crisis intervention is the first step in helping someone recover from addiction, leading up to convincing them to seek further treatment.

Family Interventions

Sometimes, the best way to reach out to a drug or alcohol addict is in a familiar setting surrounded by loved ones. The goal of family intervention is to convince an individual in the softest possible manner that they need treatment, while still placing them in a situation where they are forced to examine their past actions and behavior. In this scenario, family members and friends meet together and discuss how they can best reach out to a loved one they know is abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Emotions, such as anger or disappointment, should be eliminated during the actual intervention session. For this reason, the drug intervention specialist has a preparatory meeting prior to the intervention to help get such issues out of the way. Any negativity seen during the intervention itself could push the addict away and result in further abuse later on.

Family interventions should be led by a professional who has experience in the field, and can guide everyone in what to say and how to act. Anyone who knows and is close to the individual abusing drugs or alcohol should be there as well, to provide as many witnesses as possible to the damage being caused. Even children should be invited along, since they often provide compelling input. Each person attending the intervention should speak, and let the addict know exactly how their lives have been affected by their current and past behavior and actions. This presentation of evidence, coupled with true love and concern, can provide an addict with the motivation needed to seek further treatment.

Johnson’s Approach

The Johnson model of intervention uses a more forceful approach in persuading an addict of their past actions, and then convincing them to commence a treatment program. The belief behind this model is that an addict cannot confront the reality of their actions until they have hit rock bottom. Their mental defenses and sense of denial are so strong that they are required to reach a crisis situation before they can actually look at their lives, and become persuaded to change. The intervention works as a catalyst, presenting the substance-dependent individual with a series of facts about their lives, and then compelling them to admit they have caused numerous problems in the past and present. This confrontation should never be malicious, and its forceful nature can be smoothed by a display of love and care. Keeping this balance can be difficult, and is best done with the aid of a qualified professional in order to avoid any negative reactions during the intervention

Workplace Interventions

Arranged by co-workers or employers, these types of interventions take place the workplace. In commercial environments, drug and alcohol use can be highly prevalent. In 2005, in the United States alone, there were an estimated 12.9 million actively employed drug users. This can have devastating consequences for fellow employees, as well as the success of the business. In order decrease the risk of serious damage, many workplaces have internal drug intervention procedures.

These formal procedures may work in two different ways. First, managers can implement a policy to give staff an overview of what to look for in their co-workers in regard to the signs of active drug and alcohol use. Since employees generally spend lengthy amounts of time with each other, they are in a unique situation to more easily identify substance abuse. Workplace policies should also detail exactly how to set up an intervention with the best chance of success. While other employees and management can be involved, it is best to have the intervention led by a qualified intervention specialist. An experienced drug intervention specialist knows exactly how to move forward and assist the individual in the most effective way.

Youth Interventions

While very similar to family interventions, youth interventions are designed specifically for the needs of young people. Treating teenagers can be far more delicate than treating adults. In this situation, it is essential to contact a professional who has experience in dealing with substance abuse in youth, since they know how best to proceed without the risk of destroying the bonds between the individual and their friends and family. While the final aim of encouraging them to enter treatment is the same, the methods used are tailored to the individual’s age, behavior and attitude.

One complex aspect of youth interventions is the moodiness, lying and solitude that may be linked to drug abuse in adults, can be fairly normal behavior for a teenager. In this case, it is essential that parents get real proof of their child’s addiction before organizing an intervention. Mistakenly accusing a teenager can leave them with feelings of anger and betrayal that may alienate them from their parents. For this reason, it is best to move carefully, under the guidance of a professional youth substance abuse expert.

DARA offers our alcohol and drug intervention services worldwide.
Contact us to speak to one of DARA’s profession counselors. 
+66 8 7140 7788

Learn more about DARA’s world-class drug and alcohol treatment. Contact one of our therapists today.
+66 8 7140 7788